Waar letten installateurs op bij de verdeling van de groepen

How to distribute the groups over the earth leakage circuit breakers is self-evident for installers. This is already offered in a standard distribution box. However, if you are dealing with an older home, you may sometimes be faced with surprises. We also tell you more about possible problems in non-residential construction and with a 3-phase connection.

Challenges of older homes

Especially if an old house is relatively large, it can be difficult to achieve a correct distribution of the groups across the earth leakage circuit breakers. Splitting the groups is not easy anyway.

You could consider replacing the meter cupboard completely with earth leakage circuit breakers. This way you create your own earth leakage circuit breaker for each individual group. This group is then not influenced by its neighbor. This immediately makes the installation a lot more stable and safer.

Too few groups for an expansion

It often happens that there is a distribution box in the home that does not offer enough space for expansion. Consultation with the customer is then essential. If the distribution box needs to be replaced, it is important to know exactly what your customer's wishes are. Also wishes that are not yet in play, but may be in the future. Consider a charging station or solar panels. It is cheaper, safer and easier for the customer to make such investments immediately when the new distribution box is installed, or when expanding, than if this has to be done later.

  • Pulling a cable to the attic for solar panels
  • A cable to the outside/the shed for a charging station
  • Work for other expected (future) additional facilities

Non-residential construction: earth leakage circuit breakers are not always necessary everywhere

In non-residential construction, dividing the groups over the earth leakage circuit breakers is a different story. After all, earth leakage circuit breakers are not necessary for the entire building.

Check carefully where the office areas and general areas are and where wall sockets are present. Earth leakage circuit breakers must always be installed there. But lighting on a fixed group or machines on a fixed connection often do not have to be equipped with an earth leakage circuit breaker.

Challenges with a 3-phase connection

When dividing the groups, you will face other challenges with a 3-phase connection. Balanced distribution across the earth leakage circuit breakers is no problem, but what about the power per phase? This requires correct group distribution and, at the same time, the entire installation.

Suppose, for example, that a building receives 3x80 amperes; an incorrect phase distribution could then look like this:

  • Phase 1: 45A
  • Phase 2: 35A
  • Phase 3: 75A

In such a case it is therefore advisable to distribute the load differently over the phases. A useful tool to facilitate this is the amp clamp. This allows you to measure which phase is overloaded and you can also determine which groups are responsible for this.

The big advantage of this is that by optimizing the distribution over the phases, you do not need a heavier connection. That of course saves time and money. Your customer will be very happy with you.


  • Always make sure you have a clamp with you. This way you can quickly identify a fault and immediately investigate where the overload is
  • When dividing the groups, also look at the power of the connection
  • Is there any doubt about whether or not to install an earth leakage circuit breaker? Then choose an earth leakage circuit breaker

If you have any questions or would like advice, you can contact our professional team. We can be reached by telephone and chat during office hours. You can always email.

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